3 Triggers of Bipolar Episodes

Balloons with happy and sad faces drawn on

Imagine living a life where you’re either extremely happy or sad most of the time. You could be high-fiving your friends at a party one moment and be on the verge of an emotional breakdown the next. If you’re wondering how this is possible, just ask someone suffering from bipolar disorder. They constantly switch between feelings of manic euphoria and utter hopelessness due to certain triggers. But what triggers bipolar episodes in those suffering from this debilitating disorder?

Here are 3 common triggers of bipolar episodes.

Childhood Trauma

There are countless people who’ve experienced tough times in their childhood. Maybe you had to deal with strict parents who demanded too much of you, or you were one of the 20% of school kids across the country that get bullied each year. Whatever the reason, tough times befall us all when we’re kids—and most of us grow out of it. However, some of us experience events so traumatic that haunt us forever.

If you suffer from bipolar disorder and are reminded of a harrowing childhood event, you can experience a bipolar episode. The best way around this is by seeing a psychiatrist and obtaining therapy or medication so you can cope with this trigger in a healthy way.

Drug Abuse

Did you know nearly 20% of the adult population of the US has used illicit drugs at some point in their lives? That’s an alarming statistic considering it’s one of the most common triggers of bipolar episodes.

Drugs are often abused by people looking for an escape from their day-to-day thoughts. Unfortunately, some drugs like anti-depressants can induce manic depression in those that suffer from bipolar disorder. It’s also possible for steroids and psychedelics to induce bipolar episodes. If you’re taking illicit substances to deal with trauma, we recommend stopping immediately and seeing a psychiatrist.


The thought of experiencing a bipolar episode because you’re jetlagged may sound fictional—but unfortunately, it’s true. If you suffer from bipolar disorder, then any disturbance to your sleep cycle will cause you to feel emotionally distraught.

Studies show being unable to sleep for longer than 3 hours due to jetlag induces manic depression in those suffering from bipolar disorder. It’s normal to feel cranky due to a lack of sleep—but if it causes you to think of things like self-harm, then we recommend seeing a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Tears in a person’s eyes

Tired of feeling constant states of extreme happiness and sadness? The best course of action is getting a psychiatric evaluation by a mental health expert like Ziks Health Services. We offer a wide range of behavioral health services in New Mexico, including psychotherapy and lifestyle coaching. Moreover, you can always reach out to us for our telepsychiatry services. Our team of doctors and psychiatrists will be happy to give you a psychiatric appointment online.

Leave us a message today to find out why we’re one of the most respected mental health services in New Mexico.

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